It has been proven that ads with principles achieve more engagement and better figures than others, because today’s consumer seeks to feel increasingly identified with brands.


It is not important what you support but support something. Ads that do not just sell a thing and have goals that go beyond the purely commercial have multiplied constantly in recent times. They are the new trend that is changing as we see a product.


The advertisement with a cause is one of the key trends in the current advertising landscape, whether be female empowerment, those who break clichés about how to enter old age or those who position themselves to make the vision of masculinity more diverse, The fact is that advertisers love ads with intentions and do not stop betting on them; but the good thing is that this type of ads not only like advertisers but also have an incredible and positive reception in the consumer.


Studies show that ads for women’s empowerment, for example, are among those that have achieved the most echo, that is why 24% of ads with cause focus on this topic, followed by the community support with 17%, diversity with 16%, sustainability 14% and equality with 10%


It is certain that these types of proposals show positive engagement figures and the brands have understood that it is important to have basic principles used in these ads but also must be up to date with what happens and react to this to keep the consumer satisfied.

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